Organic Pinto Beans
The classic we all know and love! While pinto beans first originated in the highlands of Peru more than 5000 years ago, they are now a staple food in the American Southwest and Northern Mexico. Add to your favorite chili recipe or mash into ‘refried’ beans to top burritos, tacos, and tostadas. All of our beans are grown in crop rotation with grains right here in New England and sold to you in 1 pound packs.
What is a Crop Rotation?
Crop Rotation is one of the oldest and most effective growing strategies to maintain healthy plants and soils. Grain crops consume vital nutrients such as nitrogen, while legumes like the common bean do the opposite – pulling nitrogen from the atmosphere and fixating it back into the soil.
By alternating these crops year-to-year on the same plot of land, our farmers can maintain a healthy and productive soil, all while disrupting the lifecycle of damaging pests & plant diseases. We are proud to support our grain farmers who employ this age-old practice!